
(2 customer reviews)


Let this frequency soothe you into a gentle sleep, drifting softly and deeply into the land of slumber. This Light Code allows the subconscious mind to work out everyday life whilst you sleep.

You can use this code to help you remember or give you guidance through your dreams, thus giving you direction in life.

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A6, A4

2 reviews for Sleep

  1. Kerry

    This has been a huge asset in helping my baby sleep soundly through the whole night. There were huge changes as soon as I started putting the grid at the base of his cot. It’s a permanent fixture there now!

  2. Daniela Schmutz

    The sleep grid has been an amazing tool for me to feel really relaxed winding down into sleep mode, as sometimes I can overthink at night and get stuck in my mind, but the sleep grid has really helped me to breathe, slow down, and ease into a restful sleep where I feel totally restored when I wake up.
    And they are a great size so I can easily travel with the grids too, so I get a sound sleep wherever I am!

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